Written and oral

We have offered translation services into almost all languages of the world for many years. Over this period we have managed to form a team of experienced translators, proof-readers and a modern system of operation able to meet modern requirements and select proper translators for the subject and conditions of a specific order. Each translation is treated individually. As a dynamic company we are open to using the benefits of modern technology. We have worked out a high level of services for an affordable price.

The ordering process is very simple: just send us an email with the attached source file. We are a company you need, flexible and responsive to our Clients’ expectations.

We offer a convenient system of payments.

2Valuation of the material is FREE OF CHARGE


All our translators work with use of computer-aided tools (CAT) including the latest technologies based on working in a cloud. Thanks to this we can guarantee the preservation of coherent terminology. We also use software for quality control – quality is ensured at all stages of work – during the translation process and afterwards.


There exists a common conviction that interpretation means simply translating someone’s speech word after word. Should this be true, we would have received a set of words illegible for the audience. Interpreters must deliver to the audience not the very words, but the message of the speaker.

We offer the following five modes of interpretation:

  1. Simultaneous interpretation – an interpreter sits in a cabin, listens to the delivered speech in the headphones and translates to a microphone. An interpreter starts translating as soon as they catch the general meaning of the sentence.
  2. Consecutive interpretation – a speaker makes breaks (usually after each sentence, but also at the end of a paragraph or a sentence) enabling the interpreter to translate fragments of speech.
  3. Chuchotage or whispering interpretation – an interpreter sits or stands amongst a small audience and simultaneously whispers translated speech. This method is used when only few people from the audience do not speak a particular language.
  4. Relay interpretation – an interpreter passes the information on to a specific group of recipients who also know another language and afterwards they relay the information to final recipients. For example, a text in German is first translated into English for a group of interpreters and afterwards is further translated into French, Japanese, Spanish and Italian.
  5. Escort interpretation– an interpreter accompanies one person or a small group of people assisting in communicating during formal and informal meetings as well as during other activities e.g. sightseeing, ordering in a restaurant etc.
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